Crafting our climate future with carbon trading and non-market regulations

In the grand saga of our planet’s fight against climate change, two powerful protagonists have emerged: carbon trading and non-market regulations. These twin forces represent the cutting edge of environmental policy, each wielding unique tools and philosophies to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.   Imagine a bustling marketplace, not of goods and services, but of carbon … Read more

What is holding back decarbonization in Africa?

Decarbonization has been a critical topic of discussion, especially highlighted during the most recent COP 27 and COP 28, with clear indications that we are progressively moving towards a zero-emissions world. While this shift is undoubtedly necessary, several factors are hindering progress, particularly in Africa, given its unique socioeconomic context. Despite the continent’s commitment to … Read more

Kenya’s Plan to Implement Car Tax: The sustainability perspective

Kenya, like many nations worldwide, faces the dual challenge of economic growth and environmental sustainability. With an ambitious plan to raise revenue to fund its budget, the Kenyan government is exploring various tax initiatives, including those targeting vehicle owners. While these proposals hold promise for revenue generation and environmental conservation, they also pose challenges and … Read more