Regulatory frameworks and policies influencing sustainable investing

As Africa’s economies continue to grow and evolve, sustainable investment has become a critical aspect of financial strategy and economic development. The drive towards sustainability is increasingly influenced by regulatory frameworks and policies designed to foster responsible investment practices. These regulations address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, promote transparency, and encourage investment in sustainable … Read more

How sustainable investment can outperform traditional investment in the long run

In the last few years, sustainable investment has become known as a fascinating alternative to traditional investment earning the attention of both individual and organizational investors. Sustainable investment focuses on organizations that comply with responsible business practices, such as minimizing environmental impact, tending social responsibilities, and maintaining strong governance structures. Contradicting the uncertainty some investors … Read more

How to promote a culture of giving in your organization

In today’s corporate world, fostering a culture of giving within an organisation is important because it enhances the company’s reputation, improves employee satisfaction, and contributes to the greater good. Promoting a culture of giving involves creating an environment where employees are encouraged and supported in their efforts to give back to their communities, aligning with … Read more

Leading African voices set to transform the fashion industry during the Africa Textile Talks 2024

Cape Town will soon host a groundbreaking event in the world of fashion and textiles. The Africa Textile Talks 2024, organized by Twyg and Imiloa Collective, will take place on August 15 at Workshop17, V&A Waterfront. This event will bring together some of the most influential figures in the African textile industry to explore how … Read more

Strategies and best practices for creating a more inclusive workplace

Statistics show that companies prioritizing diversity and inclusion (D&I) often surpass their peers in innovation, employee satisfaction, and financial performance. Beyond being a performance booster, D&I is both a moral imperative and a strategic advantage. However, achieving a genuinely inclusive environment goes beyond setting diversity targets. It requires the implementation of comprehensive strategies and best … Read more

The Role of Population Data and Statistics in Strategic Sustainable Development

In 2021, the world population reached an unprecedented 7.9 billion, with projections suggesting it will grow to about 8.5 billion by 2030. Despite this remarkable growth, not everyone is counted—particularly marginalized communities, who often remain invisible in population statistics. This gap exists even though significant strides have been made in gathering, analyzing, and utilizing population … Read more

Moving towards a mature, sustainable supply chain

A supply chain consists of several interconnected stages and activities that ensure the efficient production and delivery of products or services to the end consumer. It begins with suppliers providing raw materials, which manufacturers convert into finished products. These products are stored in warehouses before being distributed through various logistics providers to retailers or directly … Read more

Sustainable Chocolate? Scientists and chocolatiers have pioneered a method that makes Chocolate healthier and sustainable for consumption

Good news for all those with sweet tooth, you can soon enjoy your chocolate without worrying about its environmental impact on the planet. Chocolate, a beloved treat worldwide, has long been criticized for its environmental impact and health concerns. However, recent advancements by scientists have paved the way for a method that makes chocolate not … Read more

The plastic recycling industry in Africa

Recycling is a foundation of sustainability, playing a critical role in reducing waste, conserving resources, and mitigating environmental impacts. In Africa, the recycling industry is growing rapidly, driven by innovative companies dedicated to creating a circular economy. Among these, Dawn to Glow International Limited, a recycling company in Nairobi, Kenya, stands out for its efforts … Read more

How offering incentives for private sector investment in sustainable Infrastructure and services benefits both local government and businesses

Sustainable infrastructure is becoming more and more important to the private sector, both for long-term economic viability and environmental stewardship. Driven by consumer demand, regulatory obligations, and the possibility of cost savings and competitive advantage, businesses in a variety of industries are putting strategies and innovations into place that support sustainability goals.  A lot of … Read more