Can electric mobility in Africa truly take off?

Electric mobility has experienced remarkable growth over the past few years, even amidst challenging economic conditions. The odds are in their favor, bolstered by widespread advocacy for climate change mitigation and carbon emission reduction. This surge in popularity is backed by global endorsements and favorable policies. Africa, too, has embraced this wave of enthusiasm for … Read more

The role of policy reforms in embracing sustainability in Africa

As the global community increasingly prioritizes sustainability, African nations are recognizing the crucial role of policy reforms in fostering environmentally and socially responsible economic growth. These countries are implementing innovative policies to encourage sustainable practices, attract green investments, and reduce environmental footprints. From changes in tax frameworks to mandatory sustainability reporting and bans on harmful … Read more

Washington visit emphasizes President Ruto’s persistent climate efforts

In a significant diplomatic engagement, President William Ruto recently visited Washington D.C., marking the first African state visit to the White House in a long time since John Kufuor of Ghana in 2008. There, he and President Joe Biden discussed climate action, sustainable development, and debt reforms for African countries, topics that the Kenyan president … Read more

Environmental Tax in Africa: A Progressive Trend or a Perilous Path?

Africa is witnessing a growing interest in environmental taxation among its governments. While these taxes are conceived as tools to combat pressing ecological challenges and foster sustainable development, they are also seen as a means to boost state revenues. From carbon levies to vehicle taxes, governments across the continent are adopting innovative tax strategies that … Read more

Fertilizer and Sustainable Agriculture in Africa: A Controversial Balance

The agricultural sector in Africa has long needed a transformative solution. The continent faces a dual challenge: the urgent necessity to increase food production to combat hunger and ensure food security, and the imperative to adopt sustainable agricultural practices that preserve the environment for future generations. Fertilizers have traditionally been seen as a quick and … Read more

Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Celebrates International Women in Maritime Day – Business 100 News

  During the celebration, 27 women seafarers from various marine institutes pursuing different degrees in maritime field and some professionals from the field were recognized for their dedication and significant contributions to the maritime industry. These women exemplify the strength and resilience required to thrive in a traditionally male-dominated field, and their achievements are paving … Read more

Kenya’s Plan to Implement Car Tax: The sustainability perspective

Kenya, like many nations worldwide, faces the dual challenge of economic growth and environmental sustainability. With an ambitious plan to raise revenue to fund its budget, the Kenyan government is exploring various tax initiatives, including those targeting vehicle owners. While these proposals hold promise for revenue generation and environmental conservation, they also pose challenges and … Read more

How governments can advance plastic pollution cleanup through innovative solutions and initiatives

According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), plastic serves numerous essential purposes, yet our reliance on single-use plastic items has led to profound environmental, social, economic, and health repercussions. Globally, the consumption of single-use plastic products is staggering: an astonishing one million plastic bottles are bought every minute, and up to five trillion plastic … Read more

Career opportunities in sustainability – Africa Sustainability Matters

Today’s business landscape is shifting, with industries continuously considering the environmental, social, and governance impacts of their activities. This shift calls for a corresponding evolution in professionals’ careers to fill the gap left by the growing demand for sustainability professionals. Fortunately, many professions can seamlessly integrate sustainability, enhancing expertise and optimizing previous career paths.  Professionals … Read more